Sunday, February 13, 2011


from the Article "Pros And Cons Of Shaving Your Legs"

What is Shaving

Shaving is the easiest and the most commonly used method for hair removal.

The classic and well-known method of hair removal, shaving, is probably the cheapest, the oldest and at the same time the most popular method used by women to obtain wonderful, soft legs.

Shaving consists of running a razor on the surface of the skin, meaning that you practically cut off the hair from the surface of your skin, the hair roots being left behind.


# Shaving is simple, quick and easy.

# As compared to waxing, it is a painless epilation method.

# Shaving is affordable to anyone.

# It is a great timesaving method, needs no previous preparation.

# As opposed to waxing, shaving leaves no sticky spots on your legs or hands.


# Gives only short term results.

# Cutting off the hair causes quick hair regrowth.

# If you shave with an improper blade, or if you do not use a shaving cream or body wash, the blade will not glide on your skin. As a result, you can even cut yourself easily, leaving scars on your skin.

# Frequent shaving can leave irritations on your skin.

# Shaving can result in ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs appear when hair curls back or grows inwards. It is a commonly met problem among those who shave their legs. As a result you can end up with pimples and bumps or inflamations. Therefore it is advisable to avoid shaving too close to the skin and if this is a constant problem, ask a dermatologist for advice and treatment.

# As compared to other hair removal methods, shaving thickens the hair, making it even stronger and more dense.


i've tried waxing.
didn't find it painful.
found it to be very expensive. 
i'm actually a shaver.
i've experienced cuts
and yes, ingrown hairs.
these happen when you're not careful.
use sharp razors,
lotion or soap or body wash to lubricate the skin.
and never, never do this in a rush.

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