Friday, January 21, 2011


How to Repair Damaged Hair
By an eHow Contributor

When hair is damaged it becomes dull, brittle, frizzy and out of control. Causes of damaged hair include coloring and permanent chemicals, poor diet or heat from hair dryers. It's impossible to completely repair damaged hair without cutting it off, but you can restore some of its luster, strength and quality if you follow these steps.

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging

Things You'll Need:
Olive oil
Egg yolks
Vitamin E
Silicone oil or gloss


Apply a homemade egg and olive oil conditioner once a week for a month to help repair hair. To make one application, whisk one egg yolk with two tbsp. of olive oil in a bowl. Apply to hair, especially on the ends. Leave on for a few minutes and rinse before shampooing.


Use vitamin E treatment on your hair, either store bought or homemade. To make a homemade treatment break open 5 or 6 vitamin E capsules and combine with your favorite shampoo. Vitamin E makes hair look healthy, shiny and smooth.


Get regular hair trims once a month. These trims get rid of damaged hair and encourage faster hair growth.


Try a diffuser at a low-heat or cool setting when you use your hair dryer. With irons, try to use the lowest heat setting.


Shampoo and condition your hair less frequently. Ideally, two or three times a week helps curb over-drying and repairs damaged hair.


Rinse and shampoo hair as soon as possible after swimming in chlorine or salt water. Both of these make hair more brittle.


Be patient. It takes the average person months to grow enough new hair to replace damaged hair.

Tips & Warnings
To make hair appear shiny, apply a silicone oil or gloss.

Always try to use a comb instead of a brush on damaged hair. Brushes tend to break hair.

Avoid heating tools such as hair dryers, curling irons, hot rollers and straightening irons as much as possible.

Never get a permanent, coloring or relaxing when your hair is severely damaged. These chemicals are damaging to hair.


i don't know about you. me? i like these tips. i like it enough to break an egg later and mix it with olive oil. better do this after dinner lest i make a meal out of the concoction.  i'm just not sure i can follow the shampoo and conditioner 3x a week.  we live in a country where dust is part of our lives.  maybe baby shampoo?

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